Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Watered Down Christianity

I bet most of us have been exposed
at one time or another
to an obnoxious Christian.

A lover of the law
A spouter of the verse
Knowledgeable enough to judge

Motivated enough
To rally the troops
And enforce the law

With the power of the state.
It tears my soul
to see Christianity besmirched.

It tears my soul
to see Christians
craving control.

Dictating righteousness.
Criminalizing play.

Take alcohol.
Go to a wedding reception.
Without any wine.

It will be definitely sedated.
At least compared
to a reception with wine.

So that is part of the miracle
Of the water to wine story.
God wants us to live with joy.

People should be able to play
Without suffering our judgment
Let us govern with grace.


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