Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A new day dawns, I decide to reach out...

to love
We can be free.

All we need is love.
I believe we can love.

I believe we can reach out and share.
I believe we can share values and understand each other.

Understanding enhances trust.
We need to have a trust in one another to live in peace.

I believe in the good.
We need an understanding of the good to live in peace.

I want to share an understanding of the good:
We love life.
We love liberty.
We love.

I think there is good in all of us.
If we can find and nurture the shared good, there is hope for trust and peace.

And with trust and peace, freedom and prosperity follow.

Believe with me. Say it to yourself:
I love life.
I love liberty.
I love.

I you love somebody, set them free.

I love the world, let's set it free.

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