Sunday, December 13, 2009

We know...
Our beauty is imperfect.
And so is our truth.

But we seek...
Truth and Beauty
to nourish our souls.

We want to follow...
the path to peace and prosperity.

Where people are free...
To worship as they see fit.

Where angers are soothed.
And the beasts within us are calmed.

So we want this to be a calm place.
Placid and serene.

We want a protected site.
A safe port.

Where differences of opinion...
are acknowledged and accepted.

But we would like to find
a consensus on a few things.

If we can expand the range of shared values,
we can expand our trust of one another.

Can a reasonable Jew, Christian, Muslim and atheist come to an agreement on a set of shared values?

These groups peacefully co-exist in America. These groups can peacefully co-exist in the world.

But we need to govern with grace to make that happen.
We need to embrace grace.

Grace equals freedom.
You are free to be you.

We don't control you.
You are empowered to think what you want and say what you want.

However, you are not empowered to control others.

We are brothers and adults.
We can advise but not command.

This is the path to peace.
A shared understanding of the good.

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