Thursday, December 17, 2009

*God* wants us to grow more things...

Freedom floats out there.
Out in future.

We can make freedom happen.
We can grow our way into freedom.

The future is bright.
All we need to do is act on our knowledge.

It has been said
Seek the truth
and it will make you free.

The truth is
we can be free.

We can grow our way to freedom.
We can have life more abundantly.

In the 1970s, we had an 'energy crisis'.
Life was disrupted.

Markets were disrupted.
But there was really plenty of energy.

Today we burn plenty of crude.
But it fouls the air.

Today we are warned of global warming,
that implies there is too much energy.

But too much energy is not a problem!
It is a blessing.

All we need to do
is wisely re-direct the energy.

And the key to re-directing
lots of energy
is to grow lots of things.

Lots of really good things happen
When we grow things.

Growing things pulls carbon from the air.
Growing things pushes oxygen into the air.
I like oxygen.

Green things soak up the sun.
The energy is stored in the plant fibers.

We can do useful things
with the things we grow.

We can eat what we harvest.
We can burn our harvest as fuel.

We can use our harvest
as building material.

We need to grow more things
To build freedom floats.

The freedom floats
will be used for freedom farms.

The freedom floats
will be used for freedom marshes
and freedom forests.

The goal of the floats
is to soak up the power of the sun
and the carbon in the air
and grow more things
to build more floats
to grow a more abundant life opportunity.

If we seek the truth
the truth will make us free.

We can direct our excess energy.
We can harvest our bounty from the sun.

*God* wants us to grow more things..

to scrub the air
to make our planet cooler
to calm the ocean with freedom marshes
to create new opportunities for life
to foster fisheries and forests
to grow food for our families
to build floating homelands
--> safe havens for your tired, your poor, yearning to breathe free

Freedom floats out there.
Out in future.

We can make it happen.
If we only believe.

All it takes
is the faith of a mustard seed
and we can move mountains.

Seek ye the truth
and the truth will make you free.

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