Wednesday, December 16, 2009

In Search of Axioms

In math, an axiom is something you assume to be true, even though you can't prove it. Axioms are really useful in math because you can use them build logical proofs that have valuable applications in real life.

I think it would be a beautiful thing if we could all agree on three philosophical axioms:
  • God, whether real or imagined, is a powerful force in our lives.
  • We all have an imperfect understanding of God.
  • God is good.
I think everyone has grappled with the question of God's true nature or the actual existence of God. No matter what we have settled on believing or dis-believing, all of us have an imperfect understanding of God.

So there is uncertainty. And uncertainty has caused many a believer to do harm in order to protect a belief.

Evil has been committed in God's name. Catholics have killed Protestants. Protestants have killed Catholics. Jews have died. Muslims have died. "Witches" have died.

People have been killed in God's name. And that is sad. That is why we need to affirm our beliefs in the three axioms above. Because the logical conclusion is a path to peace.

Some extensions of the axiom:
  • God doesn't want us to kill. God is good.
  • God wants us to be free. God is good.
  • God wants us to be free to worship him as we see fit. God is good.
Atheists believe that man created God, instead of God creating man. Many atheists hate hearing the word God. Many atheists fear the power and damage that can done in God's name.

To the atheists, we say: if you are right, and God is created by man, then Man can redefine God. Many atheists would contend that evil-doers have redefined God for evil purposes.

To the atheists and to all searchers, we say:
  • God, whether real or imagined, will be with us always.
  • *God* is good.
So, we each can choose to define *God* as we see fit:
  • A Muslim can see *God* as Allah
  • A Christian can see *God* as the Trinity
  • A Jew can see *God* as Jehovah
  • An atheist can see *God* as a creation of man that should be defined as good
So we can then revise our axioms to read simpler:
  • *God* is a powerful force in our lives.
  • We all have an imperfect understanding of *God*.
  • *God* is good.
  • *God* wants us to be free.
  • *God* doesn't want us to kill each other.
  • *God* wants us to live and let live.
  • Belief is empowering.
These are our shared values.
These shared values are the path to peace and prosperity.

So assume with us, the truth of the axioms.
And stay tuned for for the prophecy.

With shared values we can trust one another.
With shared values we can peacefully coexist.

*God* has revealed an uncertain prophecy. Uncertain, because we don't always do good. And all it takes for evil to flourish, is for good men to do nothing.

*God* wants us to live in a green earth that is lush garden paradise, where every child is fed and cared for and nurtured.

But if we chose to do good, to follow the prophecy's path to peace, we could create a new free world. A world free of hunger and hurricanes. A world full of life and energy... well directed energy. Our chi, well channeled, could do incredible things.

Help me channel our chi. Read on... to read the Covenant of the Arks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sagan wrote a book called the "The Demon-Haunted World" ( that has an excellent chapter apropos to this blog entry. Since this book is in the library I sent up to Maine, maybe I can give it to you to read. It occurs to me now that you would like it.