Friday, December 18, 2009

The end is near? ... Life will go on.

Some prophets are prophets of doom.
The uncertain prophecy: Life will go on.

Will there be disasters?
There will be disasters.
But we will overcome them.

The are two potential disasters
That we can't easily mitigate.

We could destroy ourselves
With Global Thermonuclear War.

Or suffer a major asteroid hit
With similar cataclysmic effect.

Many prophets have seen doom
on the horizon...

But 1984 has come and past
As well as 1999

But a new millenia was born
And life goes on.

We need to prepare for disaster.
We need the arks.

Right now the sea is one of the most dangerous places.
The uncertain prophecy: we will pacify parts of the seas.

We will pacify the oceans
And harness the excess energy.

We will direct it for good.
And we will create safe havens.

The down side:
Some havens will be safer than others.

It is amazing money can buy.
But that has always been the way.

Want a piece of paradise?
We will grow a garden paradise.

Let our life begin
At the edge of the sea
With an array of man-made marshes.

We will build marshes
That will sustain lots of life

And enable us
to divert hurricanes.

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