Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Covenant of the Arks

There is the arc of a story.
And then the ark that holds things.

Is the key to a beautiful future..
Held in some arks?

Consider the arc
Of a very long story...


Before we look to the future,
Let us look to the past.

Consider some of our history
according to the Bible.

There were some arks
in our story.

Noah the prophet predicted a great flood
So he built an ark to save all the animals.

Another ark was built
to hold God's promise to his people

His promise was held
in the Ark of the Covenant.


And we move to today
And flooding is again an issue.

Many scientists predict extensive flooding
As an eventual impact of global warming.

The Prophecy:
God wants us to build arks
We need a million Noahs.

The key to a bright future
Is held in the Covenant of the Arks.

The Covenant is an agreement;
it is a contract.

If we build the arks
our world will be greener and safer.

If we build the arks
we'll soak up the sun with marshes, farms and forests.

If we build the arks
we'll soak up carbon dioxide and clean our air and water.

If we build the arks
we'll mitigate hurricanes.

If we build the arks
we'll feed everyone.

If we build the arks
we'll free everyone.

If we build the arks
we'll grow a lush garden paradise on earth.

If we build the arks
we'll prevent the floods
and free the world
from a lot of pain and suffering.

That is God's promise
It is the Covenant of the Arks.

If we believe
We can make this happen.

If we believe
We can move mountains.

If we seek the truth
It will make us free.

If we have but the faith of a mustard seed
We can move mountains.

Believe with us
Help us save the world.

Help us fulfill our part...
In the Covenant of the Arks.

We need a million Noahs...


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