Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Angel said... Fear not... I bring tidings of great joy...

The angel said we should fear not.

The angel said thirty years ago, during the "Energy Crisis" of the seventies, we were afraid of running out of fuel. There were long lines at the pumps.

Now, we're afraid of global warming. But global warming is just an excess of energy. So what is the problem? Do we have too little energy or too much?

The angel said all we need to do is to figure out how to capture and then re-direct the energy. When we grow more things, we capture the energy.

We can grow our way out of our problems.

We can grow trees to store energy in lumber and use it to build things. We can store energy in sugar and grain that can then be processed by yeast to produce ethanol.

If we grow lumber and use it to build more floating islands that allow us to grow more things, we could have geometric growth in the number of floating islands.

We could have geometric growth in the amount of plant life on Earth. We can shape our earth as we see fit. We can be EarthShapers for good. We can be builders, not burners. We can balance our earth to optimize life.

We can create a lush garden paradise with peace, prosperity and freedom for all.

That's what the angel said. At least I think it was an angel.

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