Monday, December 1, 2008

Simple Truths...

The Uncertain Prophet said... we believe in simple truths. Seek ye the truth and the truth will make you free.

God wants us to be free. God wants us to live and let live. He wants us to live in peace. God doesn't want us to try and control one another. Control efforts create conflict and disturb the peace. God grants us freedom to live and make poor choices. This freedom that God has given should NOT be restricted by the state. We should not legislate morality. Let us extend the grace that God and our friends give us, and ask us to forgive and forget the selfish sins of whatever nature or choice. Our sharia mandates religious freedom; no one is under attack. However, we WILL defend ourselves from terrorists! God wants us to be free.

God wants us to lead lives of grace. Graceful relationships are possible. We need to figure out how to be graceful children that accept instruction, graceful parents that gently lead and finally graceful adults that allow each other freedom. All children, parents and adults need to learn to forgive and forget; to let go; to live with grace. Our sharia mandates religious freedom; adults are allowed to sin. God wants us to lead lives of grace.

We need to burn less and grow more. There is too much carbon in the air. We are polluting our world. We need more plants and trees to soak up the sun and the carbon. Our planet will be greener and cooler if we grew more plants. We need more life. We need to promote life in our barren spots. We need more surface area for plant life. We should colonize the seas with floating farms, forests and marshes. We need to burn less and grow more.

Whatever you tax, you discourage. We should be smarter about what we tax. We are idiots for taxing employment, because we discourage employment. We need a different tax system. We need a Natural Tax system. Instead of discouraging human resources (jobs), we should tax natural resource usage. We'd discourage big wasteful behavior. People would live cleaner and smaller or pay a lot in natural taxes for being such a polluter. People would be encouraged financially to burn less. Whatever you tax, you discourage. Let's encourage people to burn less and stop discouraging employment.

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