Friday, December 12, 2008

Playing Tennis and Living with Grace

Okay... so how does tennis fit into the prophecy? Gracefully I hope...

Will a match that starts at love end in love?

So how does one live life? So how does one play tennis?

Sometimes I play gracefully. And then there are other times.
Sometimes I live gracefully. And sometimes I fall short.
In tennis, and in life, it is all about an appropriate response.

Sometimes we lose in tennis because we overreact. Many beginners swing way too hard and miss many shots. Even experienced players will overhit on slow easy balls. Overreaction, an inappropriate response... on the court and in life. I know these things... and yet I still overreact.

Sometimes we lose in tennis because we don't react enough. If the ball is hit short, you need to run up and get it. There are times that urgent action is necessary. I often have an inadequate response to events in my own life.

In tennis, there are some really graceful players that hit with a soft touch at times and with force and strength at others. Graceful players have appropriate responses... they react the right amount at the right time.

So, let's try to have graceful responses... :)

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