Monday, December 15, 2008

Prop 8, Evil Masquerading as Good

It has been said we are in a culture war. And this is the justification of the Religious Right. So they cast their votes Yes for California Proposition 8, a proposition to effectively outlaw gay marriage. They thought they were fighting the good fight. Fighting the culture war.

Two thousand years ago, their ancestors of the Religious Right cast stones, not ballots. If Jesus were to have spoken to the Religious Right, they would have heard him say "Let he who is without sin, cast the first ballot for Proposition 8".

How did Evil masquerade as Good? People believed they were voting for a good thing when they voted for proposition 8. But they were mistaken because the Yes votes disgraced Christianity. The Yes votes make Christians look judgmental and harsh. The Yes votes turn some people away from Christianity. The ugliness of these votes obscures the beauty of the Grace of God for ALL sinners and replaces it with guilt and condemnation for those unfortunate minorities. Christianity becomes ugly and Evil has control over the church.

Was it a satanic force that urged the Biblical mob to cast the stone and kill the sinner? Is it a satanic force that urges urges some to "cast the ballot" at the gays?

Why is a vote for Proposition 8 so ugly? It's a stigma. Its underlying message: you don't deserve to be loved. My sin is better than your sin.

When I witness to people, and I tell them, God wants us to be free, to live and let live. To lead lives of grace. We need to extend the grace we have been given to others. We are allowed to sin. We need to let others sin. And know that they are loved anyway.

Jesus would say to you... let he who is without sin, cast the first ballot for Proposition 8.

You cannot fight a culture war against sin and win. God gives people the right to sin, to swear, to abuse His name, to be blasphemous. God lets people choose evil. And we all choose evil at some point. Let's drop the guilt, and embrace the Grace.

Let's vote for a revival of Christian Grace! Let's Repeal Proposition 8, in Jesus name, Amen.

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