Friday, December 5, 2008

A Life at the Intersection... of Faith and Reason

I want to share with you a life at the intersection of faith and reason... and the ultimate reconciliation.

The Origin of My Faith...
  • I was born at a very early age... :) ... to some very loving but very fundamentalist Southern Baptists.
  • I was baptized as a 5 year old of my own free will. I had walked the aisle. I had stepped forward and said I believed.
  • The preacher was skeptical. So they had a little quiz for me to make sure I understood.
  • I passed the quiz. I felt saved... and loved. They said I was saved. They also said... "once saved, always saved".
  • There was a time when my beliefs were unrestrained.
The Age of Reason...
  • When I hit my teenage years, logic began to create doubt.
  • There were obvious logical flaws in the Bible, a text our family considered the undisputed Word of God. Nothing could be questioned.
  • The book was the foundation of our faith. But the flaws were cracks in the foundation!
  • My belief was shaken. Darwin and biology are very convincing.
  • It appeared obvious... "elephant in the room" obvious, that chunks of the Bible are fiction.
  • After hearing the dogmatic "It's all truth!", there was a tendency to rebel and say "it's all fiction!".
  • There was a time when I considered Atheism. I could see the logic of Ayn Rand and an objectivist philosophy. "If we can't observe something in an objective experiment and see consistent proof..."
My life is all logic and reconciliations... I pondering differences and shared truths...
  • My career is based on logic. My accounting degree and CPA put me into the reconciliation business.
  • I became an auditor. Could we reconcile the cash balance per the company to the bank statement?
  • Reconciling meant finding the differences, and in the process, identifying the shared truths.
  • My career took me into computer programming and development. I automated reconciliation processes, making it easy.
  • My hobby was trying to philosophically reconcile between atheism and faith.
Some polarizing influences...
  • So on one side, my father is a very intelligent man. And as you may have guessed, he asserts Biblical Inerrancy.
  • On the other, as my son matured and showed his genius, he adopted a fairly hard atheist position.
  • I felt a strong personal need to be able to reconcile this...
Some personal experiences...
  • I had a life of logic...
  • Interspersed with religious experiences that were really intense...
  • As I got close to truth and beautiful things, I would feel this incredibly electric feeling. It was just chilling! I suspect the 80% of the people that have spiritual beliefs have probably had similar feelings when they felt near to a divine presence.
  • And yet, when I heard the call to legislate morality, I felt revulsion.
In order to reconcile Faith and Reason... we need Grace.
  • We need to lead with Grace.
  • The truth is, we all have a God given right to believe as we wish.
  • The grace that we are given, we should extend.
  • A graceful Christian is not coercive, and should not legislate morality or wage culture war.
  • A graceful Atheist should not be hostile to religion.
  • Let us reassert the God-given right for each to believe as they wish.
  • Let us spread God's grace.
  • Let us live and let live.
  • --amen

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