Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The angel said... Burn Less

So maybe an Angel said it. Or maybe not. It is still hard for me to believe. But it sounds so true! Does it sound true to you?

The angel said to in order to stop global warming and get our Earth back in balance that we needed to Burn Less and Grow More.

If we burn less, we'll put less carbon into the atmosphere. If we grow more, we'll soak up the sun and the carbon and have a cleaner, cooler planet. It sounds simple, right?

I heard the cynical voices say: "But we'd need to change things and people don't like change."

The angel told me, you need to make the change attractive and sexy. Tell the people about the FlyPods. They are better than cars. Tell the people about getting rid of the IRS and governing with grace.

What?! Govern with grace? Get rid of the IRS? That does sound attractive.

The angel said... God wants you to be free. The IRS isn't freedom. It is partial slavery. The government owns part of you. Is it 33%? Is it 50%? Some people are half slaves to the IRS.

The IRS lives off of payroll taxes. But whatever you tax, you discourage. Employment taxes discourage employment.

How many workers and how many businesses would like it if payroll taxes went away? That might be change that is attractive.

But if payroll taxes went away, we would still need a broad based tax system. One that discourages burning. We need to burn less fuel. We need to live clean. With a Natural Tax system, we'd tax the use of fossil fuels and raw materials and we'd live smaller and cleaner.

We'd recycle because it is economically attractive. We'd live small to avoid taxes. We'd efficiently use the bounty that God has given us.

Whatever behavior you tax, you discourage. Isn't it just moronic to tax employment? Why do we discourage employment?

Let's tax fossil fuel and other natural resource usage instead. And people will head to the Pods. Efficiency will be demanded by the marketplace. Positive change will happen. It can be beautiful. You need to sell it as sexy and attractive.

The angel said... if we have but the faith of a mustard seed, we can make it happen.

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