Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Weatherman says...

The weatherman says it is out of our control! Aarrggh. AARRGGH! I wanted to play tennis. But the rain is coming down. And the radar shows more on the way. It will be a long day.

But what if the weather was in our control? What if we could manage weather?

If you listen to the weatherman... he'll talk about warm air masses, cold fronts. Hot air rises. Cold air sinks.

If you think globally, we have hot air around the tropics and cold air around the poles. Our goal is to mitigate the extreme weather for the midlands.

What if we had a systematic way of capturing energy in the tropics and then judiciously releasing energy to manage the weather for the continents?

The angel (I think it was an angel!) told me that God wants us to build arks. Not just one. But many.

This time, the arks won't save just Noah and his family and some animals. No, this time the arks will provide freedom and sanctuary for all of humanity AND create refuges for many of the animals.

The angel told me there was a symbol. The angel said life is a circle. And the symbol is a ring. What goes around, comes around.

The angel said we can make our world a garden paradise if we understand the rings. We need to understand the ring of truth. We need to let freedom ring. We need to build RingWorld.

The angel showed a vision of rings on the ocean. It was if one was looking at the sea from a satellite. There were these huge concentric cirles of floating islands!

The outer rings were marshy topped wildlife sanctuaries. Just within the outer ring was a ring of power generation islands. These islands were built to harvest wave and wind energy. Within the power band were a ring forest lands. Within that were the farmlands, centered around the hub.

The hubs of the rings were the central business districts and the safest location. The outer ring marshes would get pounded with the wind and the waves. The power gen belt and the forests would absorb much of the blow. The goal of the outer arks is to protect the inner arcs or farms and homes from the blows.

The angel then showed me the globe, covered with such rings of arks. The rings at the tropics were designed to soak up the sun. God wants us to create an infrastructure that will promote life at the tropics.

We start by soaking up the sun. We create floating wildlife refuges. We can take our trash, bundle it and float it and cover it with nutrient rich mud, and let life find its way. Grasses will grow. Critters will come.

The rings at the tropics need to focus on photosynthesis. The ring systems there need to mainly capture energy. So assume we soak up the sun at the tropics and then convert the plant growth into ethanol, which is then shipped to the "45th rings".

By contrast, the rings near the 45th parallel need to primarily burn energy. By choosing where and when to burn energy, we can control world weather.

So saith the angel? Was the weatherman right? Is weather out of our control? Or is the angel right? Could we really control the weather?!?!

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