Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Did the angel say... "We can solve global warming!"

Okay. So maybe there was an angel. Or maybe it was just my imagination.

But there were chills. And everything seemed so right. So simple. So true!

At least it seemed true to me. We have been given an incredible vision. This vision had a path to Earth as a lush garden paradise of peace and prosperity.

God wants us to be free. God wants us to take care of the earth. God wants us to live and let live. God doesn't want us to judge and condemn. He doesn't want us to control each other. He wants us to live in peace. And the first step in the path to peace is to solve global warming.

So the angel said we need to solve global warming. He said we need to "Burn less and Grow More."

The angel said... there is a yin and a yang to people and plants. The people burn oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. And plants soak up the carbon and give off oxygen. The more stuff people burn, the more plants are needed.

We are out of balance. We burn too much and we cut down rain forests. Our planet is out of balance because we have too much carbon in the air.

The simple solution: We need to burn less and grow more.

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