Wednesday, November 26, 2008

If an angel asked...

If an angel came to you and asked you to help save the world, would you do it?

What if it was something really easy? Like just forwarding some email? Would you do it?

Our world could be a phenomenal place. We could have a lush garden paradise, where freedom rings. Global warming would be a thing of the past. Hurricanes too, because we can manage the weather. We would have food galore and no one would go hungry. We would promote life and an abundant life at that. We would create a New Free World where the inspired could move to pursue utopias and the afflicted could move to seek the freedom to flourish.

God wants us to be free.

I think an angel has asked me... but I'm not sure. That's why I am an Uncertain Prophet.

But I need to share the vision, and ask you... does it ring true? Read the vision. If it rings true, share it. Lend us your voice to raise the call for freedom!

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