Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks to all our angels...

Sometimes the spirit really moves. I feel it. That sense of rightness. Of oneness with something bigger and better.

Sometimes the spirit really moves and you share it with someone. It is like being at the movies where the soundtrack tells you something mysterious is happening.

In real life, things happen. And sometimes things are electric and things are created and the feeling is ... wow! Sometimes these shared moments are spiritual. Sometimes they're material.

The moments of creation... the moments of wow... have given us so many blessings to be thankful for. We should extend our blessings to the world. We should live cleaner and greener. Our lives could be beautiful. Our world could be beautiful.

Another blessing I am so thankful for, is the spirit of grace I've been shown in my life. I really try (but often fail) to live gracefully.

Let us show our thanks for the grace we have been given, to extend that grace to all our fellows, no matter their color, national origin, sexual orientation, drug preference, musical tastes or fashion sense (or lack thereof! :). Let us live and govern with grace. Let freedom ring!

Happy Thanksgiving 2008!

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