Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The angel and the PeoplePods...

When the angel (at least I think it was an angel) shared the vision, it was pretty incredible.

PeoplePods rolled around everywhere. And they were so cool! They looked like skinny cars! There were four wheels, but the Pods were a little less than half as wide as one of today's cars.

The interior of one of the Pods looked like a jet ski. To get in, you popped the canopy top and straddled the bench and then dropped the canopy down. Some of the Pods were single seaters. Some were doubles and triples.

The Pods were really light weight so they didn't need much of an engine. Driving the Pods was a blast. You'd lean into corners and the suspension was set to let the Pod tilt hard and still keep all four wheels glued to the road.

The Pods were really cool in that you could form PodChains. Assume you had a group of Pods all headed for the same destination. You could link up in a chain and let the leader drive. Each Pod was independently powered and braked. But the electronics in the Pod would respond instantly to the acceleration or braking of the leader pod.

It made the PodChains really efficient in fuel use because the PodChains drastically reduced average wind resistance.

But that drivable version of the Pods wasn't nearly as neat as the flyable version. Some of the PeoplePods could be attached to a hang glider wing. The whole Pod was in essence suspended under a Rogallo wing. The Pod had electronics to shift the weight of the pod underneath the wing just like a hang glider flyer would do.

You could fly to wherever you wanted. You could land just about anywhere because the hang glider wing didn't need much runway. Then you detached your Rogallo wing and your PeoplePod could drive where ever you wanted. The coolest pods were the high end "BatWing FlyPods". The bat wings had this spandex like webbing that had an array of stays that were linked with "muscles and tendons". The "muscles" were arrays of little shaped cells of liquid that could crystallize or liquify with the application of an electrical charge. When crystallized the cells would expand and by controlling which cells expanded, you could get the wing to bend. The wing engineers mimicked bat wings to get the wings to fold into a tucked mode.

If you had bat wings, you just left them permanently attached. In the tuck mode, they just trailed the pod. When you wanted to fly, you just punched a button and the wings unfolded into their wide spread mode for slow flying. After lift off, the wings went into a semi-tuck that drastically reduced the surface area of the wing. In the semi-tuck, the Pod could just zing you anywhere in a hurry.

There was this incredible fish tail power. The pod had a flexible propeller power train extending from the back of the pod. With a flick of the tail, the pod can change directions or flight attitude. The thing was incredibly responsive.

The angel said... "the future could be really cool... and it could be soon... do you want to help make a new free world?"

But of course, I struggle to believe. This can't be possible. There are cynical voices in my head that tell me I am wasting my time. I need to have faith. I need to have hope. I need to share the vision of a new free world.

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