Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Wisdom of Uncertainty... in the pursuit of truth.

It may seem
like a contradiction.

But we want
to know all we can.

But we don't want
to be a know-it-all.

The know-it-all
can irritate.

So instead of being
a know-it-all...

We will choose to be
a "think-it-all"...

I will share with you
What I think is true.

Surely this seems true...
There is wisdom in uncertainty.

With uncertainty we can share
Our thoughts as friends.

You get to believe
As you wish.

My acknowledged uncertainty
Means anything can be discussed.

No dogma disagreement
shall demand death or dismemberment.

We can live in peace
Without killing one another over details.

The devil is in the details.
Debating details leads to death.

Let us find shared values.
That is the path to trust and peace.

Our shared language and values
can resonate in peace and harmony.

Let freedom ring.
Let it resonate.

The wisdom of uncertainty
Is the wisdom of freedom.

So we seek the truth
that will make us free.

We don't have
to find the truth.

We only have
to seek the truth.

For if I am seeking truth
I will listen to you.

You may have knowledge
That will help our search.

If we seek truth
We listen.

If we seek truth
You are free to speak.

If we seek the truth
It will make us free.

Those who assert they know the truth
Often want to curtail freedom.

The freedom comes
from the search.

The freedom comes not
From claiming knowledge.

When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit
It was from the tree of knowledge.

If you act you know with certainty...
Your "knowledge" can be irritating.

Let us be free to speak as friends.
Please embrace the wisdom in uncertainty.

Let us seek the truth
It will make us free.

Let freedom ring.

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