Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Confession and a request for redemption...

I have sinned.
I have anger in my heart.

You might remember the event...
the one that irritated me.

But I overreacted.
The anger in me was expressed.

I reacted inappropriately.
I want to say I'm sorry.

I wish to react better.
I wish to respond to challenges with grace.

I don't always do that.
My reactions are sometimes skewed.

There are times the anger in me
trumps my logic and self-control.

There are times that anger isn't justified
and I still act in anger.

For example...
there are silly things.

Slow moving cars, slow moving people...
they slow me down, but shouldn't get me down.

The anger doesn't allow me to think clearly.
Sometimes I feel anger and a need to express it.

So I don't always react
in a just manner.

So I apologize for my lack of grace
And I request some of yours.

Please forgive me
As I attempt redemption.


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