Monday, January 25, 2010

The Pope and the "growing aversion to the Christian faith"

According to an article on (
The pope was quoted: "'In a world marked by religious indifference and even by a growing aversion toward the Christian faith, a new, intense activity of evangelization is necessary.".
The article also said: [the pope] urged Christians to overcome their differences through dialogue so that they can unite their efforts to influence debates in society on ethical issues like abortion, euthanasia and the limits of science and technology.
The uncertain prophet is glad the pope at least realizes there is an aversion to Christianity.  However, it is really ironic the pope doesn't realize that the effort to "influence debates" is seen more as an attempt to "control behavior".

When the church becomes political and uses the power of the state to legislate and punish what it perceives as unethical behavior, people rebel.

God lets people sin.  The pope should let people sin.  If the religious right was merely trying to influence debates, people might not hate them so.  But the religious right is in a culture war... a war of control.  

It is the attempt to control that creates the aversion.
It is the attempt to control that removes the essence of grace from Christianity.
It is the attempt to control that dis-graces Christianity.  

The religious right think they are doing good when they seek control.
The Islamic jihadis think they are doing good in their pursuit of a global caliphate.

But that is really evil masquerading as good.
It is the attempt to control that is a sin.
Let us pray for separation of church and state.
For Christ's sake.


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