Saturday, January 30, 2010

Values I should share...

Since I think shared values 
are the path to peace

I should share the values
that could lead to peace.

I acknowledge my uncertainty.
So you are free to disagree.

Allowing for disagreement
is a core belief.

No one is omniscient.
No one has perfect knowledge of God or Truth.

So everyone is entitled to believe
As they see fit.

You may be an atheist...
agnostic, or true believer

But we must acknowledge
The limits of our understanding.

So we can't assert that we know the Truth...
But we will assert *belief* in some axioms.

Consider the statement:
God will be with us always.

To a true believer 
This is obviously true.

Belief is empowering
And a harbor in times of trouble.

Belief is a comfort
And a source of sustenance.

Because of this
there will always be believers in God.

Could we get an atheist to say it?
God will be with us always.

An atheist would have trouble saying it.
But here, we give the atheist cover.

Since the atheist is free to understand God 
as the creation of men

and since belief is empowering
and sustaining

it is extremely unlikely that belief in God will die
so any atheist could say:

[Since God is a creation of man and is useful at times]
God will be with us always.

Our goal is to find peace
Our goal is to share values.

And we do so with uncertainty
Without a precise definition of God.

So we offer an imprecise definition of God:
God is good.

The true believer can easily affirm this.
The atheist can consider it a pro-active definition.

So here are some shared values...
some axioms... some unprovable "truths".

There is wisdom in uncertainty.
Everyone is free to understand God as they see fit.

God is good.
God wants to be free.

God doesn't want us to kill each other.
God wants us to live and let live.

God wants us to live in peace.
God doesn't want us to control each other.

Evil has been done in God's name.
We wish to use the power of God for good.

God wants us to be free.

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