Saturday, January 23, 2010

Life is Beautiful

My life is beautiful.
Our lives could be.

My wish for me
Is my wish for you.

My life is well ordered.
Our world could be.

My only obligation
Is to see the vision shared.

A world that is 
a lush garden paradise.

A world full of life
Liberty and love.

My wish for me 
Is my wish for you.

I wish us to live free
In peace and prosperity.

My life is there.
Our lives could be there.

I wish to be obliged
to see the vision shared.

I wish you to be obliged
to see the vision shared.

My life is beautiful.
Our lives can be beautiful.

My wish for me 
Is my wish for you.

We can make it happen.
If you just share the vision.

Our world can be beautiful.
Let us make it happen!


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