Saturday, January 30, 2010

Values I should share...

Since I think shared values 
are the path to peace

I should share the values
that could lead to peace.

I acknowledge my uncertainty.
So you are free to disagree.

Allowing for disagreement
is a core belief.

No one is omniscient.
No one has perfect knowledge of God or Truth.

So everyone is entitled to believe
As they see fit.

You may be an atheist...
agnostic, or true believer

But we must acknowledge
The limits of our understanding.

So we can't assert that we know the Truth...
But we will assert *belief* in some axioms.

Consider the statement:
God will be with us always.

To a true believer 
This is obviously true.

Belief is empowering
And a harbor in times of trouble.

Belief is a comfort
And a source of sustenance.

Because of this
there will always be believers in God.

Could we get an atheist to say it?
God will be with us always.

An atheist would have trouble saying it.
But here, we give the atheist cover.

Since the atheist is free to understand God 
as the creation of men

and since belief is empowering
and sustaining

it is extremely unlikely that belief in God will die
so any atheist could say:

[Since God is a creation of man and is useful at times]
God will be with us always.

Our goal is to find peace
Our goal is to share values.

And we do so with uncertainty
Without a precise definition of God.

So we offer an imprecise definition of God:
God is good.

The true believer can easily affirm this.
The atheist can consider it a pro-active definition.

So here are some shared values...
some axioms... some unprovable "truths".

There is wisdom in uncertainty.
Everyone is free to understand God as they see fit.

God is good.
God wants to be free.

God doesn't want us to kill each other.
God wants us to live and let live.

God wants us to live in peace.
God doesn't want us to control each other.

Evil has been done in God's name.
We wish to use the power of God for good.

God wants us to be free.

A Confession and a request for redemption...

I have sinned.
I have anger in my heart.

You might remember the event...
the one that irritated me.

But I overreacted.
The anger in me was expressed.

I reacted inappropriately.
I want to say I'm sorry.

I wish to react better.
I wish to respond to challenges with grace.

I don't always do that.
My reactions are sometimes skewed.

There are times the anger in me
trumps my logic and self-control.

There are times that anger isn't justified
and I still act in anger.

For example...
there are silly things.

Slow moving cars, slow moving people...
they slow me down, but shouldn't get me down.

The anger doesn't allow me to think clearly.
Sometimes I feel anger and a need to express it.

So I don't always react
in a just manner.

So I apologize for my lack of grace
And I request some of yours.

Please forgive me
As I attempt redemption.


Do the write thing...

There is no doubt
I need to do the write thing.

I need to share values,
to reach out and connect.

I need to write and connect.
I need to learn to love better.

I've been blessed and I feel much obliged.
Let's share values ... and a well ordered world.

What I wish for me
I wish for you.

Let us write...
and connect.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The path to peace: shared values

There is a path to peace and prosperity.
It is the path of shared values.

So I will follow the path to peace
So hear I share my values.  ;)

If I understand you share my love of peace
I trust you not to kill me.

If I understand you share my love of freedom
I trust you not to control me.

If your God calls you to love not war
We can live in peace.

If your God wants you to hate or kill
I am afraid we are enemies. 

If we can agree on an ambiguously defined God
And then agree on shared values, we can live in peace.

If you wish to live in a new free world
In a world of peace in prosperity...

Believe in God as you wish
As long as God asks you not to hate or kill.

Belief is empowering.
Let's use the power for good.

Believe with us
That God wants us to be free.

Believe with us
That God wants us to live in peace.

Believe with us
That God wants us to live and let live.

Believe with us
That God doesn't want us to make war.

Believe with us
That God is good.

We don't need to argue
About a detailed definition of God.

If we can agree on shared values
Of a God that is good, that wants love and not war...

We can live in freedom
With peace in prosperity.

The path to peace 
Is through shared values.

So to follow the path
I have shared my values.

Do you wish to pursue the path to peace?
Share the values.  

Share the values.
Find the way the click send.

Share the values
Around the world.


Monday, January 25, 2010

The Pope and the "growing aversion to the Christian faith"

According to an article on (
The pope was quoted: "'In a world marked by religious indifference and even by a growing aversion toward the Christian faith, a new, intense activity of evangelization is necessary.".
The article also said: [the pope] urged Christians to overcome their differences through dialogue so that they can unite their efforts to influence debates in society on ethical issues like abortion, euthanasia and the limits of science and technology.
The uncertain prophet is glad the pope at least realizes there is an aversion to Christianity.  However, it is really ironic the pope doesn't realize that the effort to "influence debates" is seen more as an attempt to "control behavior".

When the church becomes political and uses the power of the state to legislate and punish what it perceives as unethical behavior, people rebel.

God lets people sin.  The pope should let people sin.  If the religious right was merely trying to influence debates, people might not hate them so.  But the religious right is in a culture war... a war of control.  

It is the attempt to control that creates the aversion.
It is the attempt to control that removes the essence of grace from Christianity.
It is the attempt to control that dis-graces Christianity.  

The religious right think they are doing good when they seek control.
The Islamic jihadis think they are doing good in their pursuit of a global caliphate.

But that is really evil masquerading as good.
It is the attempt to control that is a sin.
Let us pray for separation of church and state.
For Christ's sake.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Wisdom of Uncertainty... in the pursuit of truth.

It may seem
like a contradiction.

But we want
to know all we can.

But we don't want
to be a know-it-all.

The know-it-all
can irritate.

So instead of being
a know-it-all...

We will choose to be
a "think-it-all"...

I will share with you
What I think is true.

Surely this seems true...
There is wisdom in uncertainty.

With uncertainty we can share
Our thoughts as friends.

You get to believe
As you wish.

My acknowledged uncertainty
Means anything can be discussed.

No dogma disagreement
shall demand death or dismemberment.

We can live in peace
Without killing one another over details.

The devil is in the details.
Debating details leads to death.

Let us find shared values.
That is the path to trust and peace.

Our shared language and values
can resonate in peace and harmony.

Let freedom ring.
Let it resonate.

The wisdom of uncertainty
Is the wisdom of freedom.

So we seek the truth
that will make us free.

We don't have
to find the truth.

We only have
to seek the truth.

For if I am seeking truth
I will listen to you.

You may have knowledge
That will help our search.

If we seek truth
We listen.

If we seek truth
You are free to speak.

If we seek the truth
It will make us free.

Those who assert they know the truth
Often want to curtail freedom.

The freedom comes
from the search.

The freedom comes not
From claiming knowledge.

When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit
It was from the tree of knowledge.

If you act you know with certainty...
Your "knowledge" can be irritating.

Let us be free to speak as friends.
Please embrace the wisdom in uncertainty.

Let us seek the truth
It will make us free.

Let freedom ring.

Life is Beautiful

My life is beautiful.
Our lives could be.

My wish for me
Is my wish for you.

My life is well ordered.
Our world could be.

My only obligation
Is to see the vision shared.

A world that is 
a lush garden paradise.

A world full of life
Liberty and love.

My wish for me 
Is my wish for you.

I wish us to live free
In peace and prosperity.

My life is there.
Our lives could be there.

I wish to be obliged
to see the vision shared.

I wish you to be obliged
to see the vision shared.

My life is beautiful.
Our lives can be beautiful.

My wish for me 
Is my wish for you.

We can make it happen.
If you just share the vision.

Our world can be beautiful.
Let us make it happen!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

*God* will be with us always ... belief is empowering.

Each of us has an imperfect understanding of God.
None of us know the complete truth.

Some of us believe in God
And the belief is empowering.

The belief is a comfort
in times of trouble or need.

The belief is sustaining
in the face of setbacks or pain.

Believers frequently feel nirvana
when they feel in the presence of the divine.

I think Marx once said:
Religion is the opiate of the masses.

Belief is empowering.
Belief is addictive.

Believers can be misguided.
Believers can do great evil or great good.

Much evil has been done
while posing as good and with God.

We should understand
that God wants us to be good to each other.

There will always be disagreements
about the precise nature of God.

But we should all agree... that God
whether real or imagined... is a powerful force.

Since believers are empowered
there will always be believers.

We want to be sure the power of belief
is a power used for good.

So let us believe:
  • God is Good.
  • God wants us to be free.
  • God wants us to live and let live.
  • God doesn't want us to control each other.
  • God wants us to live in peace and prosperity.