Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Word to All My Children...

I have decided to become a writer.
I will write fiction... in hopes that it becomes truth.

I have been reading about writing.
The current chapter title: Character is destiny.

The hard-working student?  Gets better grades.
The thief?  Eventually goes to jail.
The paranoid? People do begin to talk...

The book I'm reading is about how to write fiction.
But life is not fiction.

But if fiction is to mirror reality...
Character is destiny.

You have a choice about how to write your character.
You choose it every day.

Do you work toward goals?
How do you advance your story?

What does your character do?
For my character?  I've chosen to write.

We all have a choice.
How to live... how to act.

You get to choose how you will act.
Together our choices... will write the future.

I will tell you my goals and how I will act.
If you wish, tell me your goals... and how you will act.

I want you to feel empowered.
I want you to be proactive.

I you believe in yourself and believe in your strength,
you can make great things happen.

Love,  Dad

1 comment:

I Wonder Wye said...

I'm glad you found my blog - sorry i had the typo in the title! That didn't help, did it??! I have gotten some of my creative writing published, in books and mags, and read 2 on a local PBS show, 'Tales of the South,' which is a lot more fun than writing mag articles and newsletters for clients!! ;) Right now I am ghost-writing a book on freedom, democracy and our food -- yeah, you read that right....