Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Covenant of the Arks

The second most important thing I need to say before I die: We need to heed the Covenant of the Arks.

Long ago, God gave us the Ark of the Covenant.  He also gave us Noah who built an Ark.

Everyone laughed at Noah's folly.  But Noah loaded all sorts of life onto his ark and managed to avoid some serious climate change issues.

Today, we need a million Noahs.  We need a million Noahs to build a million arks.  We need to embrace God's Covenant of the Arks.

God will allow us to avoid serious climate change issues if we do so.  We can be free of hunger, war and hurricanes.  That is the Covenant of the Arks.

Build them... and we can save the Earth and create Heaven on Earth.

If we build a vast array of arks, holding not just animals, but plants and all sorts of life, we can make Earth a floating garden paradise.

If we promote life on these floating gardens, we will soak up the sun and carbon dioxide.  We will capture and store the energy of the sun.  If we create this vast array of heat sinks, floating in the tropics and sub-tropics, we can manage global weather patterns and avoid hurricanes.

We can grow more than enough food for the masses.  Give us your tired, your poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free and we will put them to work tending our floating farms.

Instead of fighting over limited amounts of old land, we will effectively grow new free land:  Land that will set us free.  There is no more need for war to fight for control over land.  We will have a New Free World.

A New Free World could be ours if we embrace the Covenant of the Arks.  We could soak up the sun and CO2.  We could promote life of all sorts.  We could create a lush garden paradise.  We could set people free.  Free from hunger, war and hurricanes.

Hurricanes are in essence heat dispersal systems.  The  excess heat on the ocean spins out of control.  The vast array of arks will soak up the heat.  And hurricanes will not spin out of control.

This is the Covenant of the Arks.  This is truth that will set us free.  This is God's will.

We need a million Noahs.  Act on faith and belief.  We can move mountains, if you have but the faith of a mustard seed.


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