Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sometimes I am Afraid

Sometimes I am afraid to call myself a prophet.  I am afraid people will say I am a kook.  Because of my fear, I will say I am uncertain.  So, I am an uncertain prophet.

I would like for the secular skeptics to listen to me for a bit.  God, whether real or imagined, is a powerful force in our lives.  The power of God is a huge motivator for many.

We need to invoke the power of God to set us free.  We need the power of the multitudes to make the prophecy happen.  We need to save our Earth from a coming flood.  We need the power of believers to move mountains.

We can dredge our rivers and waterways, and spread it out over the ocean and create floating marshes, farms and forests.  We can calm the oceans inside a ring of floating marshes.  We can be safe on the ocean.

But we can't do it, unless people believe.  We can't do it without the power of the divine.  If people believe it is God's will, we can get this done.

Life can be beautiful.

God wants us to be free.

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