Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Word to All My Children...

I have decided to become a writer.
I will write fiction... in hopes that it becomes truth.

I have been reading about writing.
The current chapter title: Character is destiny.

The hard-working student?  Gets better grades.
The thief?  Eventually goes to jail.
The paranoid? People do begin to talk...

The book I'm reading is about how to write fiction.
But life is not fiction.

But if fiction is to mirror reality...
Character is destiny.

You have a choice about how to write your character.
You choose it every day.

Do you work toward goals?
How do you advance your story?

What does your character do?
For my character?  I've chosen to write.

We all have a choice.
How to live... how to act.

You get to choose how you will act.
Together our choices... will write the future.

I will tell you my goals and how I will act.
If you wish, tell me your goals... and how you will act.

I want you to feel empowered.
I want you to be proactive.

I you believe in yourself and believe in your strength,
you can make great things happen.

Love,  Dad

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Compromise... A social safety net of scratchy cotton rope

We are a really rich society, but how we care for our poor could possibly bankrupt us.

We can spend our riches better.  We need a safety net, but it shouldn't be comfortable.

So instead of private apartments, welfare recipients could avail themselves of the New Community Shelter (NCS).  Free public housing would be public... not private.

In the NCS, one has access to free shared "youth hostel" style shelter.  In addition, free scrubs and free rations are available.  Adults capable of working will be paid five dollars per hour for twenty to forty hours per week.  

The net effect of the guarantee: an industrious individual could retire debt or save up to $800 / month.

An industrious person could climb out of the safety net and have a private life.

A Combination of Faith and Reason

I want to speak so that many will hear.  I want to speak so that believers will hear.  I want to speak so that skeptics will hear.

I want to speak with a combination of faith and reason.

I want to speak with faith, because belief is empowering.

I want to speak with reason, because we need reason to find our way forward.

God is not opposed to our progress.  God wants us to seek truth.  It will set us free.

God wants us to be free.

Sometimes I am Afraid

Sometimes I am afraid to call myself a prophet.  I am afraid people will say I am a kook.  Because of my fear, I will say I am uncertain.  So, I am an uncertain prophet.

I would like for the secular skeptics to listen to me for a bit.  God, whether real or imagined, is a powerful force in our lives.  The power of God is a huge motivator for many.

We need to invoke the power of God to set us free.  We need the power of the multitudes to make the prophecy happen.  We need to save our Earth from a coming flood.  We need the power of believers to move mountains.

We can dredge our rivers and waterways, and spread it out over the ocean and create floating marshes, farms and forests.  We can calm the oceans inside a ring of floating marshes.  We can be safe on the ocean.

But we can't do it, unless people believe.  We can't do it without the power of the divine.  If people believe it is God's will, we can get this done.

Life can be beautiful.

God wants us to be free.

The Covenant of the Arks

The second most important thing I need to say before I die: We need to heed the Covenant of the Arks.

Long ago, God gave us the Ark of the Covenant.  He also gave us Noah who built an Ark.

Everyone laughed at Noah's folly.  But Noah loaded all sorts of life onto his ark and managed to avoid some serious climate change issues.

Today, we need a million Noahs.  We need a million Noahs to build a million arks.  We need to embrace God's Covenant of the Arks.

God will allow us to avoid serious climate change issues if we do so.  We can be free of hunger, war and hurricanes.  That is the Covenant of the Arks.

Build them... and we can save the Earth and create Heaven on Earth.

If we build a vast array of arks, holding not just animals, but plants and all sorts of life, we can make Earth a floating garden paradise.

If we promote life on these floating gardens, we will soak up the sun and carbon dioxide.  We will capture and store the energy of the sun.  If we create this vast array of heat sinks, floating in the tropics and sub-tropics, we can manage global weather patterns and avoid hurricanes.

We can grow more than enough food for the masses.  Give us your tired, your poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free and we will put them to work tending our floating farms.

Instead of fighting over limited amounts of old land, we will effectively grow new free land:  Land that will set us free.  There is no more need for war to fight for control over land.  We will have a New Free World.

A New Free World could be ours if we embrace the Covenant of the Arks.  We could soak up the sun and CO2.  We could promote life of all sorts.  We could create a lush garden paradise.  We could set people free.  Free from hunger, war and hurricanes.

Hurricanes are in essence heat dispersal systems.  The  excess heat on the ocean spins out of control.  The vast array of arks will soak up the heat.  And hurricanes will not spin out of control.

This is the Covenant of the Arks.  This is truth that will set us free.  This is God's will.

We need a million Noahs.  Act on faith and belief.  We can move mountains, if you have but the faith of a mustard seed.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

A New Take on Uncertainty...

It's been said, "seek ye the truth and the truth will make you free."

Some people say that they have found "the truth", but they use "the truth" they have found to control you... me... us.

If their "truth" makes us less free, it isn't the truth.  Because the truth will make us free, not less free.

God wants us to be free