Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Power of Emotions

"Aaarrrgggh!"  A primal scream, heard on a tennis court.  I had just missed an easy winner.  I know I should control my emotions better than I do, so a few seconds later I say "I mean... oopsy daisy."

Sometimes we react too much.  Instead of things being laid back and chill, things are intensely raw and heated.

The anger flows back and forth.   And then acts of anger create a bigger wave of anger.  And the anger grows.

So I worry about the TV shows that play on anger and fear.  We should have hope instead.

We should see the bright side of things.  There are people out there painting dark, bleak, angry pictures.  

And yet our possibilities for the future are so bright.  We need not worry.  Things can get better.

We are going to chill.  Things are going to get better.

There will be more peace and prosperity.  We will live in a lush garden paradise.

We will move mountains of dirt and mud to make it happen.

But I have the faith of a mustard seed.  If you share the faith, we can make it happen together.

Are you with me?  Do you wanna soak up the sun?  Do you want grow more things?  We can grow a beautiful paradise.    There is a path.  There is hope... so I want you to listen to a story....about faith... and uncertainty.  

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