Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's Cure Christianity With Grace

Let's Cure Christianity With Grace

This is a happy, hopeful message: The truth can make us free.

We need grace!

  • We have all sinned and all fallen short...
  • Thank God for amazing grace!
  • We can cure Christianity if we can all reflect God's grace.

We spoil the party when we judge.

Even though we've been told: Judge not, lest ye be judged.

We dis-grace Christianity when we judge.

  • Reasonable people can get disgusted by hypocritical “piety”. Why are you writing laws against my sin and not your own?

  • Reasonable people can see an ugly face of judgment, not a welcoming face of grace.

  • Reasonable people can be turned off by the legislative efforts of the Religious Right to punish sinners or restrict freedoms.

  • Reasonable people can get turned away from Christianity.

  • Reasonable people can get angry at the Religious Right: It is my life, my freedom to choose was given to me by God, who are you to remove the freedom?!?!

The truth can make us free.

  • We should govern with grace!

  • We should stop trying to control what are in essence personal decisions.

  • We should Vote no on California Proposition 8.

  • God wants us to give each other a right to privacy. It is a gift of grace.

Let's Cure Christianity With Grace.  Let's govern with grace.  Let freedom ring!

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