Sunday, April 5, 2009

FreeCell.. to Free Earth

FreeCell is an addicting card game found on lots of Windows based computers. It's fun because there is almost always a solution to the distribution of the cards. So with persistence, you can eventually beat even really difficult distributions.

So I've played. And played it too much. It is fun to play. But FreeCell has become a free jail cell for my mind. Rather than produce value with my logic, my logic has been wasted.

To quote Pink Floyd, I've been...

“Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day...

You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way...

Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown

Waiting for someone or something to show you the way”

But over those years, I've been a bit of a monk and thought some things. Things I need to share...  So I need to bust out of my FreeCell incarceration and share a vision of a Free Earth.

There is a path to peace, prosperity and freedom where no one is hungry. Where everyone is safe and free and can live in a homeland of their choice. Everyone is free to practice the religion of their choice.

Where everyone lives in a lush, safe, garden paradise.

There is a simple path.  All we need to do is grow more things.. on a really very big scale.

We can grow our way out of any of our major problems.  We can move mountains.  We can grow more things and foster more life.  Life is good.  

I ask you to open your heart and your mind to the vision.

Tonight... when you sleep... maybe you will hear the voice of an angel

Maybe you will be like Noah.  Maybe the angel will tell you we need help on some ark-building.

And maybe the angel will show you a vision of a future earth, as if you were floating in space... and you could look down on the tropical oceans and see from on high a huge array of floating barges, covered with plants, with vast ecosystems surrounding them.  Some are marshes, some are forests and some are farms.  Natural Life is rich.  

Life is good for the people, too.  The barges provide plenty of food, shelter and clothing.  The angel tells you, "but wait! there's more".

The angel says... "since there is plenty of high-value work to be done in building and managing the floating farms, unemployment is not an issue.  Workers can buy or rent pontoon based houseboats that can be tugged or sailed and plugged into the infrastructure wherever they want.  So homelands are not an issue.  

The angel explains because the barges that grow things soak up heat on close to a global scale, we can decide on their placement in order to influence weather.    The angel tells you, hurricanes don't have to happen.  

The angel tells you, with just a bit of faith, we can move mountains.  But we need your help.  We need a million Noahs.  We need a million people to believe we can grow more things and solve our problems.  Because if enough people just believe, we can do it.  We can move mountains.  All we have to do is believe...

We can dredge our rivers and spread the fertile mud on the surface of the barges.  We can grow things like bamboo to use in building more barges to grow more things.

We can grow our way out of our problems.

And then you wake up from the dream.  And the question is, how can you help?  How can you respond with faith? Did Noah respond with faith?  We need a million Noahs.  Respond to this message.  Forward the message.  We the voices of a million Noahs.  It can happen. 

Be an angel, and please comment, even anonymously!  Please Forward!  Give us wings.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Power of Emotions

"Aaarrrgggh!"  A primal scream, heard on a tennis court.  I had just missed an easy winner.  I know I should control my emotions better than I do, so a few seconds later I say "I mean... oopsy daisy."

Sometimes we react too much.  Instead of things being laid back and chill, things are intensely raw and heated.

The anger flows back and forth.   And then acts of anger create a bigger wave of anger.  And the anger grows.

So I worry about the TV shows that play on anger and fear.  We should have hope instead.

We should see the bright side of things.  There are people out there painting dark, bleak, angry pictures.  

And yet our possibilities for the future are so bright.  We need not worry.  Things can get better.

We are going to chill.  Things are going to get better.

There will be more peace and prosperity.  We will live in a lush garden paradise.

We will move mountains of dirt and mud to make it happen.

But I have the faith of a mustard seed.  If you share the faith, we can make it happen together.

Are you with me?  Do you wanna soak up the sun?  Do you want grow more things?  We can grow a beautiful paradise.    There is a path.  There is hope... so I want you to listen to a story....about faith... and uncertainty.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's Cure Christianity With Grace

Let's Cure Christianity With Grace

This is a happy, hopeful message: The truth can make us free.

We need grace!

  • We have all sinned and all fallen short...
  • Thank God for amazing grace!
  • We can cure Christianity if we can all reflect God's grace.

We spoil the party when we judge.

Even though we've been told: Judge not, lest ye be judged.

We dis-grace Christianity when we judge.

  • Reasonable people can get disgusted by hypocritical “piety”. Why are you writing laws against my sin and not your own?

  • Reasonable people can see an ugly face of judgment, not a welcoming face of grace.

  • Reasonable people can be turned off by the legislative efforts of the Religious Right to punish sinners or restrict freedoms.

  • Reasonable people can get turned away from Christianity.

  • Reasonable people can get angry at the Religious Right: It is my life, my freedom to choose was given to me by God, who are you to remove the freedom?!?!

The truth can make us free.

  • We should govern with grace!

  • We should stop trying to control what are in essence personal decisions.

  • We should Vote no on California Proposition 8.

  • God wants us to give each other a right to privacy. It is a gift of grace.

Let's Cure Christianity With Grace.  Let's govern with grace.  Let freedom ring!