Monday, January 19, 2009

The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason

God wants us to be free. God wants us to live and let live. God wants us to live in peace with the Earth, and with each other. God wants us to promote and preserve life. God wants us to prosper, because we prosper when we create value for each other.

All these things God would want, are things Reason would want.

But the name of God has been sullied by evil men. Wars have been waged in God's name. Men have been tortured and killed in God's name. Thoughts and tongues have been controlled in God's name. And the name for this is evil. Evil seeks control. God wants us to be free.

God allows us to sin and is merciful. We need to extend that mercy and allow others to sin.

There is a path to peace: if we appeal to the reason of the believers and embrace and endorse the righteousness of God's grace and freedom... we can live together in peace, each believing as we see fit and reasonable. :)

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