Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Imperfect Knowledge

Our knowledge, both religious and scientific, is imperfect. We need to show some humility and admit our imperfect understanding.

For example, old science books have a mix of truth and mistakes. The newer science books reflect a more nuanced and better understanding of scientific truths... but I am sure there are mistakes and flat out guesses. Is there any doubt that our future science books will correct many of today's scientific (mis)-understandings? But each of the science books of the past and the current probably had some level of truth. Our knowledge is imperfect. We can improve our understanding of scientific "truth" over time.

And so too, our spiritual knowledge is imperfect. Some will claim they know "the Truth", but really all we have are faith and belief. And while our beliefs may be close to the Truth, we are better served by humble assertions of belief rather than dogmatic claims of knowledge.

Dogmatic claims of knowledge alienate the non-believers.

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