Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Bad Business to Preach Hate

It’s bad business to preach hate to the choir.
But that is what our misleaders do.

Instead of preaching for an understanding that could lead to peace…
We get friction.. between factions... and it creates more heat than light.

Your leader could have asked you to understand why the NFL players knelt.
He could have acknowledged their legitimate grievance.

But no, he tarred them as uppity and ungrateful; he distorted their message to stoke the fire.
Then he advocated punishment of their free speech. Make America Great Indeed.  Sigh.

He wrapped himself in the flag and said they were insulting the military.
But he was peddling his own fake news: they were actually protesting the black experience.

He could have said… yeah… black lives matter.
No… he said those uppity NFL players should be fired.

Instead of promoting peace and understanding…
He went for hate and disgust.

And he is good at it… there was disgust… on both sides.
The man is disgusting... he provokes disgust.  Why did we invite him to our dinner party?

If your leader leads to disgust…
Your leader is a misleader.

It’s bad business to preach hate to the choir.

Does your pastor endorse this?

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Martin Luther... and an intro to Jesus... Light

Exactly 500 years ago, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses. He spawned a Protestant Reformation.

In honor of that event, I greet you with great joy! For today unto us, a Son is re-born: we wish to share Jesus... Light

We wish to share a purer, kinder, gentler, non-toxic belief in Jesus. We disclaim the toxic beliefs and practices of traditional Christianity.

No toxic beliefs are needed. 
All you need is Jesus.


We believe in Jesus… Light.
Less Rules, More Love.

Ours is an unlimited love Christianity.
Our families come in all shapes, sizes and colors. :)

We welcome anyone!
We strive to judge not.

We aspire to be graceful…
Even when we confront those who would judge in His name.

We believe in freedom for all.
We are Christian Libertarians.

We are Jesus… Light.
We prefer more light and less heat.

Some people say… there ought to be a law!
We more often say… there ought not to be a law!

We endorse the separation of church and state.
We oppose religious legislative efforts.

We object to / discourage / despair at obnoxious “Christian” behavior. Jesus...Light… is a non-toxic Christianity.

We don't need to worship the Bible, all we need is Jesus. We follow the Bible when it leads to love, but not when it leads to judgment.

We want our family to be a safe space for anyone. We believe that more love granted results in more love returned.

Ours is a humane love. Our grace should know no boundaries. Our love for the world doesn’t stop at our borders or faith differences.

Ours is an unlimited love Christianity.
We’d love to have you join our search for more unlimited love through Jesus… Light.

You can read our Bible in minutes:

The Really New Testament of Jesus Light

The Really New Testament of Jesus Light

A Preface
Exactly 500 years ago Martin Luther posted his '95 Theses'. He started a Protestant Revolution and changed the world for the better. We hope to do something similar.

This is a revised Bible for Uncertain Christians, who believe but don’t KNOW. The reality is that none of us really KNOW, all we have are beliefs. We prefer light to heat… This is the Really New Testament of Jesus Light

Written by Marty Miller, inspired by God (at least I believe so :)


1) In the beginning, God created things… but... hmm... well we don’t really know exactly how... so we won’t make any assertions. We simply say: We choose to believe in God as our creator.

2) And a revelation: in the End… well... we don’t really know how things end either. We will accept our fate on faith.

3) How things started or will end is not as important as how we live now.
For a more optimal life now, we still endorse faith in Jesus
Belief is empowering!
Some secular confirmation: As Henry Ford is said to have said…
Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you're right.

4) We endorse faith on the hope that its power will be used for more good than evil. Religious power will be used; we want the power to be well directed.

5) When religious power is used to judge, control or oppress… It is the worst kind of evil: sinning in His name. Judge Not!

6) Ours is a freedom-loving faith. We re-assert Martin Luther and the priesthood of the believer.

7) Ours is a simple faith… All you need is Jesus.

8) For whosoever believeth in Him… Is probably in pretty good shape. :)

9) We don’t demand that everyone believe in Him… We do not seek such control.

10) We don’t demand allegiance to a sacred text. Not even this one. You can eat bacon-wrapped shrimp at a gay friendly party.  Not a big deal.

You certainly don’t need to worship the entire Bible.

Feel free to believe the previous Bible when it encourages you to love.
Please reject it when it leads you to punish, judge or control.

11) You have a God-given right to believe in God as You wish. No one should take that from You.

12) Nor should You take it from Anyone. Everyone has a right to believe as They wish.

13) We hold these truths as self-evident… Forgiveness is freedom. Retained anger is you cursing yourself. Forgiveness is divine. Feel the divine flow through you as you forgive.

14) Grace is divine. We should extend His divine grace.

15) The fundamental message of Jesus?
Is one of grace: all is forgiven to those who ask!

16) Those who seek His grace…
Are obligated to extend it.

17) We aspire to be Good Samaritans.
When slapped, we should turn the other cheek.

18) We want to go the extra mile…
We don’t want to cast stones.

19) We want to remember… and practice…
Kind words turn away wrath.

20) As our sins are forgiven…
We forgive those of others… even the different. :)

21) This is the path to peace.
Worship this day our God of peace.
Let us spread God’s bounty so that all may thrive.

22) We can live together in prosperity.
Life is good, but we know it can be better.

23) Some once sang: “We’d like to teach the world to sing…”
In perfect harmony”... We say: sing it again, Sam. :)

24) People can choose to believe and live according to their own faith.
We will live and let live and all will be good.

25) Let there be peace on Earth…
And good will toward men… and women… and any other gender identity! :)

26) The End? The partially obsolete Bible implies the future is written. We don’t believe that is true: We believe the future is unwritten.

27) You have choices… our future is uncertain... And what you do matters.

28) We want you to find peace in your heart and soul… And share it with the world.

29) Find the divine… Learn to love and let love.

30) Help us create earthly gardens of prosperity: Give us your tired, your poor huddled masses,  yearning to breathe free…

31) If You have but the faith of a mustard seed… We can move mountains… help us move mountains for peace.

32) Help us direct His and Our power in beautiful, humane ways.
In Jesus name we pray!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Whatever you tax, you discourage... so why do we tax payroll?

The more you tax cigarettes...
The less people smoke.

The higher the toll on the tollway...
The more people look for detours.

So when we tax payroll...
We are discouraging jobs and pay.

We discourage the wrongs things.
We're taxing the wrong thing when we tax payroll.

Growth is Good

When we grow things
Good things happen.

When trees grow
They harvest carbon dioxide.

They also soak up the sun,
Storing the energy in the wood.

So the more things we grow...
The more we clean up our air.

We should grow more things.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting Better All The Time... by Piddling Around

There is no shortage of trouble for humanity...
There is much that causes despair.

For many of us, we are rich.
The seemingly intractable problems of the oppressed are not ours.

The task of caring for our Earth...
And the BILLIONS of God-forsaken unfortunates...

It just seems Sisyphean... 
An impossible task... 

But my despair is only temporary... 
Because I have hope.

Because some really big ideas
Will be batted around and will take hold.

And our world will be revolutionized...
By well-directed growth.

Then truth and freedom will prosper.
And greater peace will be found.

We will still have problems...
But homelessness and hunger won't be the scourge of humanity.

The vision of the Uncertain Prophet...
Is 'Directed Growth'

Where we grow a new free world
And solve our most pressing problems.

All of the zealots 
can be granted domains.

Utopias can be pursued.
Anyone can freely migrate.

Murder is unnecessary.
Our climate is controlled.

The prophecy is uncertain.
All it needs is some piddling.

So today I piddle.
And I share some of the vision.

Maybe future readers will piddle, too.
And the vision will be shared and it will spark the revolution.

Life can be beautiful.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Ground Zero Mosque and a call for Grace

The Christian thing to do is to show grace toward the mosque... and Islam.  Not all Muslims are jihadis; not all Christians were crusaders.

The American thing to do is to show them religious freedom.  Newt Gingrich is willing to sacrifice our religious liberty... our American freedom... because another country is religiously intolerant?  We should not sin because another country sins.

The intelligent thing to do is to communicate and listen.  I have heard Islamic voices calling for peace.  We should listen.

Here is a vote for peace and freedom...

God wants us to be free... it is the path to peace.

your friend,

the Uncertain Prophet

(Thanks to Dr. Smith for this link: http://www.ethicsdaily.com/news.php?viewStory=16536)