Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Martin Luther... and an intro to Jesus... Light

Exactly 500 years ago, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses. He spawned a Protestant Reformation.

In honor of that event, I greet you with great joy! For today unto us, a Son is re-born: we wish to share Jesus... Light

We wish to share a purer, kinder, gentler, non-toxic belief in Jesus. We disclaim the toxic beliefs and practices of traditional Christianity.

No toxic beliefs are needed. 
All you need is Jesus.


We believe in Jesus… Light.
Less Rules, More Love.

Ours is an unlimited love Christianity.
Our families come in all shapes, sizes and colors. :)

We welcome anyone!
We strive to judge not.

We aspire to be graceful…
Even when we confront those who would judge in His name.

We believe in freedom for all.
We are Christian Libertarians.

We are Jesus… Light.
We prefer more light and less heat.

Some people say… there ought to be a law!
We more often say… there ought not to be a law!

We endorse the separation of church and state.
We oppose religious legislative efforts.

We object to / discourage / despair at obnoxious “Christian” behavior. Jesus...Light… is a non-toxic Christianity.

We don't need to worship the Bible, all we need is Jesus. We follow the Bible when it leads to love, but not when it leads to judgment.

We want our family to be a safe space for anyone. We believe that more love granted results in more love returned.

Ours is a humane love. Our grace should know no boundaries. Our love for the world doesn’t stop at our borders or faith differences.

Ours is an unlimited love Christianity.
We’d love to have you join our search for more unlimited love through Jesus… Light.

You can read our Bible in minutes:

The Really New Testament of Jesus Light

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