Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting Better All The Time... by Piddling Around

There is no shortage of trouble for humanity...
There is much that causes despair.

For many of us, we are rich.
The seemingly intractable problems of the oppressed are not ours.

The task of caring for our Earth...
And the BILLIONS of God-forsaken unfortunates...

It just seems Sisyphean... 
An impossible task... 

But my despair is only temporary... 
Because I have hope.

Because some really big ideas
Will be batted around and will take hold.

And our world will be revolutionized...
By well-directed growth.

Then truth and freedom will prosper.
And greater peace will be found.

We will still have problems...
But homelessness and hunger won't be the scourge of humanity.

The vision of the Uncertain Prophet...
Is 'Directed Growth'

Where we grow a new free world
And solve our most pressing problems.

All of the zealots 
can be granted domains.

Utopias can be pursued.
Anyone can freely migrate.

Murder is unnecessary.
Our climate is controlled.

The prophecy is uncertain.
All it needs is some piddling.

So today I piddle.
And I share some of the vision.

Maybe future readers will piddle, too.
And the vision will be shared and it will spark the revolution.

Life can be beautiful.

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