Monday, February 9, 2009

To share the dream?

I turned on the iPod today. It was on shuffle. Stevie Wonder was up next. It was a song from his wonderful Innervisions album.

I have listened to this album bunches of times and never really listened to the words, but today they struck me... his lyrics follow:
  • People hand in hand
  • Have I lived to see the milk and honey land?
  • Where hate's a dream and love forever stands...
  • Or is this a vision in my mind?
  • ---
  • The law was never passed
  • But somehow all men feel they're truly free at last
  • Have we really gone this far in space and time?
  • Or is this a vision in my mind?
  • ---
  • I'm not one who make believes
  • I know that leaves are green
  • They only turn to brown
  • when autumn comes around
  • i know just what i say
  • today's not yesterday
  • and all things have an ending...
  • ---
  • But what I'd like to know
  • is could a place like this
  • exist so beautiful?
  • Do we have to find our wings
  • to fly away to the visions in our minds?
I have a vision. I have to share it, but I need help. The Bible says we need but the faith of a mustard seed in order to move mountains, and it is true.

If we can all share our little bits of faith, we can move mountains. We could carve up the mountains and rivers and move mud around, and grow a lush garden paradise of an Earth. Free of hunger, free of hurricanes, free of war, with freedom of religion and freedom for all.

A preacher once told me that a mustard seed is incredibly tiny. I've never really seen one, but I'll take it on faith.

  • If we can just combine our little bits of faith...
  • If our mustard seeds can become "mustered seeds"...
  • If we can all come together for the good of mankind...
  • We can grow God's lush "hurricane free" Garden Paradise.
  • We can have a world of peace and prosperity
  • With freedom for all
We need help to share the dream. Will you help share the dream?

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