Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Bad Business to Preach Hate

It’s bad business to preach hate to the choir.
But that is what our misleaders do.

Instead of preaching for an understanding that could lead to peace…
We get friction.. between factions... and it creates more heat than light.

Your leader could have asked you to understand why the NFL players knelt.
He could have acknowledged their legitimate grievance.

But no, he tarred them as uppity and ungrateful; he distorted their message to stoke the fire.
Then he advocated punishment of their free speech. Make America Great Indeed.  Sigh.

He wrapped himself in the flag and said they were insulting the military.
But he was peddling his own fake news: they were actually protesting the black experience.

He could have said… yeah… black lives matter.
No… he said those uppity NFL players should be fired.

Instead of promoting peace and understanding…
He went for hate and disgust.

And he is good at it… there was disgust… on both sides.
The man is disgusting... he provokes disgust.  Why did we invite him to our dinner party?

If your leader leads to disgust…
Your leader is a misleader.

It’s bad business to preach hate to the choir.

Does your pastor endorse this?